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well, I just saw a GREAT SHOW.

Clem Snide. OH YES. Great band. Excellent show. So much fun. (sigh) Now I have nothing to look forward to. Nothing in July. Radiohead in August, but that's August. July is going to be difficult.

Anyway, I spent the evening convincing myself that I was cool so that I could do something super dorky: Talk to Eef from the band. It was ok. It was worth it. He was very gracious (and cute). Jason was just beautiful. Such a lovely smile. And I can say these things because I'm fast approaching 30 and my hormones...well, you know how it is.

So I saw an amazingly good show for a mere $10. Can't beat that with a stick.

I did not flirt with the bartender. He's too much of a professional for that AND I'm completely incapable of it anyway.

As we all know, I coulc be completely in love with someone and all he would see is feigned disinterest.

I know that deep down I'm a big geek. Did I say deep down? I'm meant inside and out, through and through.

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