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i haven't experienced much in the way of quality sleep lately. and that's going to continue again tonight. fuck it.

i just came from seeing the levellers. fucking fantasic. and only 10 dollars. the 54 dollars i'm spending to see u2 next week? i'm not so sure i'll be getting the same value for my money. i don't care what anyone says. i'm not really looking forward to it. i'm very glad about pj harvey. that helps a lot. it's just that the one time i saw u2 is was a total rip off. complete waste of time. i feel like they owe me. anyway, it's just so nice to be able to walk up the street pay ten dollars, see two bands in a nice small relatively intimate club with amazing acoustics and come out feeling like you've really seen something great. and feeling like you'd seen something worth way more than 10 dollars.

ok so this girl i know says she doesn't give herself breast exams (despite her advancing years) because she doesn't like touching her breasts. what woman doesn't like touching her breasts? THAT'S JUST STUPID. for soooooo many reasons. I was like "fine, get cancer. see how you like it." She should know she's not immune to these things. I think she thinks touching her own breasts would be dirty. I was going to say "well, what do you do when you masturbate?" but i'd already said so many offensive things. i decided on sunday while watching sex and the city with this person that i wouldn't hold back in front of her anymore. fuck it. i will say whatever i want and if she doesn't like it she can lump it. no pun intended.

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